Biocop Matcha Green Tea 50g

Biocop Matcha Green Tea 50g


Biocop Matcha Green Tea is the purest green tea, since the entire tea leaf is used in its production. Thanks to this characteristic, it is one of the most effective natural antioxidants.

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Composition of Biocop Matcha Green Tea

This product is composed of 100% matcha green tea from organic farming.

What is it for?

biocop has become one of the indisputable references in the industry of organic and healthy food. It has done so thanks to its philosophy, which makes the brand always go one step further. In this case, instead of sticking with traditional green tea, they offer Biocop Matcha Green Tea, a much more beneficial variety.

The main feature that differentiates the matcha green tea the rest is found in its production method, since unlike other teas the entire leaf is used. In this way, it is achieved that the resulting infusion has the 100% of the components of green tea.

Biocop Matcha Green Tea offers the qualities of green tea multiplied. Thus, it has managed to establish itself as one of the antioxidantsnatural more powerful. The same goes for its properties. energetic, since the presence of the theine is greater thanks to having used the entire tea leaf.

To maximize those benefits, biocop has managed to eliminate any type of compound that could hinder the qualities of the matcha green tea, which makes up the 100% of the product.

Benefits of Biocop Matcha Green Tea

  • Product from organic farming.
  • Made from 100% matcha green tea.
  • One of the most effective natural antioxidants.
  • With energetic properties thanks to theine.

How is it taken?

To take it as an infusion, mix a teaspoon of matcha green tea with about 70 ml. of hot water, without letting it boil. In addition, it can be added to desserts and other types of recipes.

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