Life Pro Artilife Pro Glucosamine 90 Vegancaps

Life Pro Artilife Pro Glucosamine 90 Vegancaps


This product seeks to improve discomfort, swelling and pain caused by the degeneration or inflammation of various tissues, including those caused by osteoarthritis and arthrosis, such as joint degeneration.

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What is it for?

Joint degeneration is a fairly common process, associated with disuse or overuse of the joints.

Factors such as poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle or inadequate management of the training load can cause the appearance of discomfort or a premature tissue degeneration, which can lead to situations of general malaise, pain or functional incapacity even to carry out day-to-day activities, thus leading to the appearance of a series of physical and psychological complications.

In the resolution of this problem a correct nutrition, good management of physical activity and daily activity are key, together with the establishment of healthy habits, where supplementation can ultimately be an effective help.

In this sense, the composition of the product has a novel formulation adjusted to the effective doses of each active ingredient based on currently available scientific evidence.

The design of this product It has a formulation that provides an anti-inflammatory component and a regenerative/antidegenerative component. thanks to its 4 main components and a fifth component focused on improving bioavailability.

In this way, within the components of ArtiLife Pro, we find those ingredients intended for the improvement of degenerative symptoms of the tissues that make up our joints, such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate, which, when consumed in sufficient quantity and time, manage to effectively reduce the progression of joint tissue degeneration compared to other active ingredients.

On the other hand, the boswellia serrata and the turmeric extract they are traditional medicinal components of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine, where they have been used for centuries. Currently, research on these active ingredients shows us how both regulate positive and effective mechanisms in the resolution of inflammation, helping in cases of swelling of the joint or before the appearance of chronic inflammatory states, which do not disappear over time. In turn, along with them, black pepper extract appears, which improves the bioavailability and assimilation of these compounds, allowing them to be much more usable and beneficial.

On the other hand, to ensure the existence of Top quality materials using Cursol ® within the turmeric extract together with bioperine ® as a black pepper extract patent, it assures us of a bioavailable and effective product in the treatment of painful symptoms. Furthermore, in the case of Boswellia Serrata, This product claims to have 35% of AKBA, the main boswellic acid with an anti-inflammatory effect. that makes it up and with promising scientific evidence in the improvement of these mentioned symptoms.


This product contains boswellia serrata, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, curcumin (cursol ®), black pepper extract (bioperine ®) and boswellia serrata.


  • important effect anti-inflammatory.
  • Helps against the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
  • Reduced symptoms of joint pain.
  • Helps against cartilage degeneration.
  • Prevents the progress of joint degeneration.
  • Helps against pain caused by acute inflammation.
  • Its long-term consumption decreases the general inflammatory state.
  • Helps against osteoarthritis.


If you receive any type of medication, consult your doctor.

What dose should I consume?

Consume 3 capsules throughout the day.

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