Life Pro Fit Food Fitspice Italian

Life Pro Fit Food Fitspice Italian


Fitspice Italian of Life Pro It is an ideal combination of spices to add to your dishes as a condiment, made with natural herbs and spices that allow you to enjoy a delicious flavor of Argentine meat and grill thanks to the rigorous selection of typical Argentine spices.

SKU: 5355 Category:


Spices are used in a wide variety of dishes since, while they provide incredible and unique flavors, they do not increase the caloric value of the dishes and provide healthy properties.

The spices They are not only limited to giving our dishes a special flavor, they also make the food we eat healthy and light.

Italian flavor

The Italian flavor has been developed to season all kinds of grilled and grilled meats. Its combination of spices is a selection of those of traditional Argentine cuisine.


  • They add flavor to dishes, allowing us to achieve a more appetizing and nutritious meal.
  • Nopechange the caloric intake of foods, on the other hand, if they offer health benefits through their nutrients, antioxidants, flavor, aroma…
  • does not contain gluten. It is a product suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Thanks to the use of spices, we can use less salt, with which we gain health by reducing the risk of hypertension that it can cause.

How to use

Add Fitspice to your favorite dishes or recipes. You just need to open the safety cap, add the desired amount and that's it.

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