Life Pro Fit Food Instant Oats Premium 1.6kg

Life Pro Fit Food Instant Oats Premium 1.6kg


Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food is a delicious powdered instant oatmeal that combines the great properties of this cereal with a variety of 9 flavors, all of them very original. Enjoy a perfect and healthy breakfast.

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Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food

the range Life Pro Fit Food has been created to offer its customers a catalog full of healthy food alternatives, all of them ideal to be integrated into a sports diet. In fact, most of their products are a perfect option for anyone, regardless of whether they are looking to improve their physical performance or not.

Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food it is the perfect example of the extent to which it is possible to improve eating habits without having to suffer consequences such as giving up certain types of foods or flavors. This powdered instant oatmeal features a variety of different flavors, among which are some as original as white chocolate, brownie or strawberry cheesecake.

What is it for?

The oatmeal It is one of the most recognized ingredients in the sports and healthy nutrition industry. This is so because it is the more complete cereal in nutritional terms, since it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

The contribution protein What does it offer? Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food it is one of the most valuable that can be obtained with any cereal. Not only because of the concentration of protein it contains, but also because of the quality of its amino acid profile. Contains 6 of the 9 essential amino acids, which are those that our body is not capable of synthesizing by itself.

These proteins are perfect for improve muscle performance at many levels: from the protection of the tissues to the increase in their recovery capacity, through the increase in the ease of growth of lean muscle mass.

If only one quality of oats had to be highlighted, it would undoubtedly be related to the carbohydrates, and it is that this cereal is composed in a 60-70% carbohydrates. It should be noted that his glycemic index is low, a feature that allows the energy boost what carbohydrates mean prolonged in time, thus avoiding problems such as insulin spikes.

Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food contains a perfectly balanced combination of fiber soluble and insoluble. This means that the two main types of fiber are present in its composition, with benefits such as cholesterol reduction, regulation of sugar levels and improvement of digestive processes usually.

As if all this were not enough, instant oatmeal powder Instant Oats Premium contains vitamins B1, B6 and E, among others, in addition to such important minerals as iron, the magnesium, the potassium, the zinc or the match. Thanks to this, it is a food that can improve general well-being and health.

Benefits of Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food

  • Rich in protein.
  • With amino acids that improve muscle performance.
  • High content of slow-absorbing carbohydrates.
  • Provides energy for a long time.
  • With fiber.
  • Improves the digestive system.
  • Contains vitamins and minerals.
  • Available in 9 delicious flavors.

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