Life Pro Heart Care 60 Caps

Life Pro Heart Care 60 Caps


heart care It is a supplement that contributes to the regulation and control of plasma levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. It has been formulated with active ingredients that have proven their effectiveness reducing cholesterol levels by different pathways.

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What is it for?

Due to the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases Currently, beyond pharmacological treatments, changes in lifestyle are considered essential, especially in the initial stages. A diet with reduced consumption of saturated fats, the elimination of toxins such as alcohol and tobacco or the practice of regular exercise and normal weight should be priorities.

On the other hand, in the scientific literature there are compounds with a large body of scientific evidence that show benefits against high cholesterol levels. In the first place, among the best-known active principles we find the manocoline k, which is extracted from red yeast rice and acts on the enzymes involved in the synthesis of cholesterol. The inhibition of these enzymes, on which other compounds such as policosanols They also have an effect, allowing the reduction of blood cholesterol. However, due to its fermentative nature, the content of a substance known as citrinin with detrimental effects on the body is often feared. Since Life Pro This detail has been taken care of to the maximum, choosing a raw material with levels well below those recommended as values ​​to be considered by the food authorities. Furthermore, because it has been proposed that agents such as monacolin k (or drugs with the same pathway) could increase the risk of myalgias due to depletion of coenzyme Q10, this has also been provided in the product at a sufficient dose.On the other hand, the monacolin K supplement together with policosanols not only seeks to benefit to the maximum from its inhibitory effect on cholesterol synthesis, but these policosanols would also improve its clearance and the state of arterial plaque.

Second, we find the berberine, known to be the active principle of the Berberis Vulgaris plant, which is capable of acting at the hepatic level on proteins that degrade LDL cholesterol receptors and also directly on their expression. This effect is completed with an intestinal reduction in cholesterol absorption and an increase in fatty acid oxidation in patients with metabolic disorders, which implies a very complete effect on blood cholesterol.

Finally, we find the curcumin, the main polyphenol of Curcuma Longa, provided under the Cursol® patent, which uses micellar structures to guarantee its bioavailability. Turmeric not only has a direct effect on cholesterol levels, but it is also interesting for the control of oxidative stress markers that can be disturbed by metabolic alterations.

For all these reasons, this product made up of active ingredients that have proven their effectiveness in humans, it is capable of reducing cholesterol levels through different pathways, in addition to solving the associated problems that usually appear in this type of supplement.


  • Reduction in LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Beneficial effect on HDL cholesterol.
  • Beware of the limitations that usually appear in these products thanks to the choice of quality materials.
  • Acting through various pathways that have shown a synergistic effect.

What dose to consume?

Consume 2 capsules during or after a meal. If you receive any type of medication, consult a health professional about its compatibility.


This product is made up of Turmeric (Cursol ®), Berberine, Red yeast rice (standardized in monacolin k), coenzyme q10 and policosanols.

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