Nutrimarket Bio Spirulina 100 G

Nutrimarket Bio Spirulina 100 G


NutriMarket Bio Spirulina is one of the most valuable natural and organic products for athletes. It contains more than 57% protein, iron, calcium, vitamin C, E and B6, among other nutrients.

SKU: 7875 Category:


The best of the catalog NutriMarket Bio is the possibility of finding ingredients that you have never heard of, with some natural properties surprisingly beneficial for your nutritional goals. Without a doubt, the spirulina It may be one of them, since it is an algae with a very valuable combination of nutrients.

NutriMarket Organic Spirulina is a food supplement with a content of protein tremendously beneficial for any athlete: it provides more than 57% protein rich in essential amino acids, so called because the body cannot synthesize them by itself, so their external intake is necessary.

Protection, nutrition and muscle recovery will be favored with this product. On the one hand, protein prevent catabolism from deteriorating muscle tissues, in terms of nutrition, a protein intake increase fuel with which the muscles improve their performance, finally, the amino acids regenerate and repair fibers muscles to shorten recovery times.

The composition of NutriMarket Organic Spirulina also contains vitamin C, iron, calcium, vitamin K and vitamin E, among other beneficial nutrients.

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