Nutrimarket Bio Pumpkin Protein 250 G

Nutrimarket Bio Pumpkin Protein 250 G


NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein is an ideal alternative for all those athletes who need an extra supply of protein but do not want or cannot resort to animal sources. It is an organic protein rich in amino acids.

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NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein

The appearance of vegetable protein supplements This is great news for the world of sports nutrition as it means that the industry is opening up to let any kind of person in. Following a vegan diet was a problem for athletes a few years ago, since it meant having to reject the vast majority of available supplements. However, products like NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein show that this is a thing of the past.

It is a protein extracted from pumpkins from organic farming, so they ensure to keep the natural properties intact and a total respect for the environment in the production methods.

NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein it is a complement rich in amino acids, since it contains up to 18 different. Among them are some as important as arginine, lysine or leucine.

What is it for?

As already mentioned, the appearance of products such as NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein is vital to achieving greater inclusion of vegetarians and vegans in the world of sports nutrition.

In this case, the pumpkin protein It has a series of its own characteristics, among which its ability to facilitate the increase in the volume of lean mass through the construction of new muscle tissues. This is due to your profile. amino acids, ideal for protein synthesis tasks that promote anabolic states in the body.

On the other hand, and also thanks to the 18 amino acids it contains, NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein It serves as muscle protection. With this food supplement you will help your muscle fibers not to be damaged due to catabolism.

Benefits of NutriMarket Bio Organic Pumpkin Protein

  • From organic farming.
  • Contains 18 amino acids.
  • Facilitates the growth of lean muscle mass.
  • Protects muscle tissues against catabolism.
  • Protein content suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets.

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