Amix Magneshot Forte 375mg

Amix Magneshot Forte 375mg


AMIX Performance MagneShot Forte 375mg is a new Amix Performance product, it is an ultra-concentrated magnesium, which provides an amount of 375mg of magnesium.

SKU: 8073 Category:


What is Amix Performance Magneshot Forte 375mg?

Its objective is to contribute to an improvement in health, improve hydration, avoid muscle cramps that may appear during training. With vitamin B6 to collaborate in the breakdown of consumed proteins and convert them into muscle proteins.

What benefits does magnesium provide?

  • It is essential in the synthesis of proteins, fats and nucleic acids. It is also of special relevance in energy metabolism.
  • muscle contraction and relaxation
  • Involved in cardiac activity , nerve function and hormone production.
  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • bone health
  • immune system function
  • Several flavors available, Mango, Blood Orange and Neutral. choose your favorite

How to use:

  • Take before efforts of more than 2 hours and hot conditions.
  • Take after strong efforts.
  • Take during efforts of more than 3 hours, approximately every 120 minutes, this will depend on the person and the weather conditions.

Product format: 60ml vials

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