Amix Nitric 125 Caps

Amix Nitric 125 Caps


Amix Nitric is a sports supplement made from nitric oxide in combination with different amino acids that contributes to improving sports performance.

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What is Nitric from Amix?

It is formulated with a ideal combination of products that, with the Nitric oxide, It performs vasodilation of the arteries, increasing force by continuously providing the muscles with glucose.

Contains 5 different types of creatine They help increase glycogen and ATP stores.

It is a supplement designed for all those who seek to increase their strength through the latest technology available in supplementation. Their combination is unique and exclusive.

The properties of Nitric

  • Thanks to the combination of its ingredients, Increases power and strength considerably.
  • Helps achieve improved physical recovery and muscle congestion empowering in this way the muscle mass
  • favors the congestion and pumping when doing the workouts.
  • favors the protein synthesis and improves the assimilation of nutrients in muscle mass.
  • Nitric is also formulated with four types of Creatine.
  • It also has METHOCEL, which causes a prolonged assimilation, which increases resistance and strength, and promotes recovery.

How to take Nitric

Take 5 capsules before exercising to maximize its effects.

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