Amix Pro Glycodex Pure 1kg

Amix Pro Glycodex Pure 1kg


AmixPro GlycoDex PURE It is the most recommended carbohydrate in prolonged and high-intensity physical activities.

SKU: 6389 Category:


What is Amix Pro Glycodex Pure 1kg?

AmixPro GlycoDex PURE, a supplement composed of Cluster Dextrin (A patented formula of CYCLODEXTRINE), also known as highly branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD – Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin) the most recommended carbohydrate in prolonged and high intensity physical activities.

Cyclodextrin is a compound made up of monosaccharide molecules linked in the form of a ring -cyclic oligosaccharides- that are produced from amylopectin by means of an enzymatic conversion.

What is Amix Pro Glycodex Pure 1kg used for?

The result is a glucose polymer with ideal properties: very low osmolality with a relatively high molecular weight and therefore very rapid gastric emptying. This means that it will spend less time in your stomach compared to any other carbohydrate drink available on the market based on traditional carbohydrates (dextrose, maltodextrin…), minimizing any possible discomfort when exercising.

Carbohydrates contribute to muscle recovery after intense and/or prolonged exercise involving muscle fatigue due to depletion of glycogen stores in skeletal muscle. With AmixPro GlycodeX PURE you will be able to lengthen your workouts, improve recovery between sets, and recharge glycogen stores in the most effective way after your explosive workouts, while helping you increase your lean muscle mass (fat-free) fast and totally natural. The Cluster Dextrin® used in AmixPro GlycodeX PURE belongs to a new generation of carbohydrate-based supplements.


  • highly soluble
  • fast absorption
  • low osmolality
  • excellent digestibility
  • No fat, artificial flavors or sweeteners
  • Designed for intense and prolonged physical activities
  • Provides excellent recovery

How to use:

Mix one scoop (30g) with 250ml of water or your favorite drink. Can be used before
during or after physical activity.

Recommended Daily Dose: 30 grams

Presentation of Amix Pro Glycodex Pure: 1kg container

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