Amix Vitargo+Kre-Alkalyn

Amix Vitargo+Kre-Alkalyn


AMIX VITARGO+KRE-ALKALYN It is a unique combination of VITARGO carbohydrate of the highest quality and Kre-alkalyn creatine of maximum effectiveness.

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What is Amix Vitargo+Kre+Alkalyn?

VITARGO with KRE-ALKALYN it is a unique combination of the two most important components in its field. Both are patented: VITARGO carbohydrate of the highest quality and Kre-alkalyn creatine of maximum effectiveness.

Components of Amix Vitargo+Kre-Alkalyn:

This unique combination offers the effectiveness of VITARGO, which is the only carbohydrate patented and formulated for elite athletes that provides the necessary load of muscle energy (glycogen). Vitargo is the carbohydrate that has a much larger molecular structure than conventional carbohydrates used at the sports level, for this reason it passes through the stomach faster, joining the blood after intestinal transit.

Various studies conducted with Vitargo have shown that its consumption increases muscle strength, maintaining a high rate of training without falls. AMIX VITARGO also incorporates Kre-Alkalyn, a state-of-the-art creatine that has a higher PH than creatine monohydrate. It has a slower absorption and conversion period and therefore its effects are longer.

Kre-Alkalyn remains stable within the body until fully absorbed by muscle cells. The effects are increased maximum strength, improved explosive strength, increased muscle growth, increased muscle congestion, and excellent muscle recovery after intense training.

What is Amix Vitargo + Kre-alkalyn 2000g used for?

AMIX VITARGO + KRE-ALKALYN is an excellent supplement for athletes looking for a significant improvement in their physical capacity and a significant increase in muscle mass.

How to use:

1 gram per kilo of body mass dissolved in 400 ml of water,
juice or your favorite beverage twice a day

Presentation vitargo + krealkayn from Amix: AMIX VITARGO + KRE-ALKALYN is presented in bottles of 2000 gr.

Flavors: orange and lemon

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