Biocop Sencha Green Tea 75g

Biocop Sencha Green Tea 75g


Biocop Sencha Green Tea is a tea that has gained great prestige in Japan thanks to its antioxidant and energetic qualities. Contains theine and caffeine.

SKU: 8021 Category:


Composition of Biocop Sencha Green Tea

This product is composed of 100% sencha green tea from organic farming.

What is it for?

One of the characteristics that make more special to biocop It is the reduction to the maximum of the elements that can be an obstacle when taking advantage of the natural qualities of the ingredients used. Biocop Sencha Green Tea is a great example of this, since its composition is based on 100% sencha green tea. That is, there is nothing that bothers the action of its nutrients.

Japanese culture is closely linked to this type of plant, so if the sencha green tea is so used there it can only be because it has large properties, among which it is necessary to highlight the fight against free radicals and the energetic qualities.

The natural antioxidants present at Biocop Sencha Green Tea They are ideal for fighting against the excessive presence of free radicals in the body, a substance that, if it exceeds certain limits, can cause problems derived from cell oxidation.

For its part, both the caffeine as the theine They have benefits closely linked to energy. Biocop Sencha Green Tea can be the perfect ally for all those moments when you need a vitality boost.

Benefits of Biocop Sencha Green Tea

  • Caffeine and theine provide vitality.
  • Made from 100% sencha green tea.
  • Organic farming product.
  • With antioxidant power.

How is it taken?

Add a teaspoon of sencha green tea to a cup of boiling water and steep for 1-2 minutes.

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