Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies 800 G

Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies 800 G


Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies is an ideal breakfast option for any athlete. Oatmeal is one of the most complete cereals in nutritional terms: with omega 3, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber and much more.

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Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies

The oatmeal has become one of the preferred ingredients for athletes seeking to improve their performance and health through a good nutrition. This is so because it is, without a doubt, one of the most complete cereals as far as its nutritional characteristics are concerned.

Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies contains more protein than the vast majority of cereals present in our diet. With this alone, it would already be a highly recommended product for any athlete, but there are many more advantages behind it.

Perhaps the most important benefit of Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies It has to do with the type of carbohydrates it contains. This macronutrient makes up the 70% of its composition and, specifically, it is about slow-absorbing carbohydrates. In this way, the oat flakes manage to provide a lasting energy boost in the time.

Along the same lines, and thanks to the fact that carbohydrates are gradually being assimilated, a prolonged feeling of fullness. For all this, Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies it's perfect for him breakfast, since it will give you energy to face the day and will be of great help to endure without snacking between meals until the moment of eating.

Finally, it improves health and general well-being with a series of compounds that you will all know: vitamins B and E, zinc, iron, calcium, fiber, amino acids and omega 3, among others. All this with a delicious cookie flavor, to delight your palate.

Benefits of Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes Cookies

  • It is one of the most complete cereals.
  • Rich in protein.
  • With slow absorption carbohydrates.
  • Provides energy for longer.
  • satiating effect.
  • Rich in fiber.
  • antioxidant properties.
  • Ideal for athletes.
  • Delicious cookie flavor.

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