Life Pro Glutamine Ajinomoto 250 G.

Life Pro Glutamine Ajinomoto 250 G.


Life Pro Glutamine Ajinomoto 250 gr. It is a supplement composed of L-glutamine Ajinomoto, responsible for improving muscle recovery after training and enhances physical performance.

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The L-glutamine It is one of the amino acids (20 amino acids) that, together with the others, form proteins. L-glutamine has various functions that are necessary for health and more when doing any sport.

L-glutamine allows control fatigue of the muscles by reducing the acids that are in them, such as lactic acid that intervenes in soreness. This amino acid is important since it is also responsible for the protein synthesis, another of the functions that L-glutamine has is to prevent the breakdown of muscle mass.

Life Pro Glutamine contains glutamine Ajinomoto. The LIFE PRO Glutamine is made with the patent AJINOMOTO, the world's leading laboratory manufacturer of pharmaceutical grade amino acids. This patent that guarantees the use of amino acids of very good and high quality, to recover from those intense workouts where you use force and resistance and above all avoid the catabolism of muscle mass.

L-glutamine it is a non-essential amino acid, that is to say that it can be synthesized in the body from other amino acids such as valine, isoleucine or glutamic acid, however it is considered a "conditioned essential amino acid" or semi-essential since in conditions of physical or psychological stress, trauma, infection, intense training, etc., its consumption is greater than its synthesis: the body demands so much glutamine that it is not capable of synthesizing it in sufficient quantity.

Life Pro Glutamine Ajinomoto. It is the ideal supplement for all those athletes who want to take care of their muscles, since it will provide optimal recovery and muscle development.

Thanks to its formula, it prevents the catabolism that occurs after intense physical exertion or overtraining, which produces the decomposition of damaged muscles and cells.

Life Pro Bcaa Glutamine delays fatigue while helping to increase your energy performance. Esmideal to increase the resistance of athletes, their strength and promote muscle development


The glutamine It is one of the 20 amino acids which are necessary for our body to carry out various functions.

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. This means that it can be produced by the body without the need to be ingested through the diet. Despite this, increasing its quantity through quality supplementation can have multiple benefits. It plays numerous roles of vital importance in relation to the gain and maintenance of muscle mass and recovery after physical activity.

It is the amino acid with the greatest presence within the different muscle groups, and in general, it constitutes approximately one 60% of musculoskeletal tissue, which makes it the one with the highest number of functions assigned.

The glutamine is generated naturally in the body, although between the 4% and 8% protein of certain foods corresponds to this amino acid. Glutamine is of the highest quality and has been obtained under the Ajinomoto patent.

We can also find this amino acid present in the spinal cord, blood plasma, heart, lungs, kidney, cerebrospinal fluid and liver.

It has the ability to be converted into glucose when required: it is transformed into energy when our muscles require it.That is why it is important to ensure the levels at adequate values, to especially favor recovery and endurance sports.


Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle tissue. He is a forerunner of protein synthesis: due to the composition of this amino acid, one of its main functions is the transport of nitrogen in organs and tissues to carry out functions related to different metabolic processes.

Helps prevent catabolism or loss of muscle mass. Also, it is involved in improving recoveries after injuries.

The glutamine transports ammonia (toxic substance to the body) from the muscle to the liver to be discarded. Regulation of acid-base balance.

If the glycogen stores are empty and energy is required, glutamine is transformed to be used: it acts and is used as an energy substrate to carry out the resynthesis of ATP. Adequate levels can promote endurance in athletes. In high intensity training, it can help improve performance and reduce fatigue as a result of them.

It is of great relevance when carrying out the synthesis of glutathione. Glutathione is a protein whose main function is to protect the cells, tissues and organs of our body. It is the most important antioxidant in the human body, it is called the universal antioxidant.

The glutamine It is one of the precursor substances of glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body. Due to this, it favors the correct functioning of the immune system.

In addition, it is involved in carrying out brain functions: glutamic acid It functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain. Neurons use it as a transmitting substance, favoring mental activity and brain functions.


Ajinomoto is a patent that has been used to make Life Pro Glutamine Ajinomoto and thus guarantee the highest quality of the supplement.

Ajinomoto, uses only isolated amino acids extracted by fermentation of vegetables.

Its modern patented process does not denature the ingredient, in this case the amino acids that are part of the proteins. This ensures that the quality of the raw material is one of the best you can find and that it maintains all its natural properties.

Therefore, Life Pro Glutamine Ajinomoto is a sports supplement that provides top quality glutamine as it has been produced under the Ajinomoto patent.


  • glutamine It is the most abundant amino acid in the body that can be used as energy.
  • Improves recovery and helps increase energy production.
  • Improves intestinal health by enhancing the absorption of nutrients and promoting the anabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which affects the increase in muscle mass.
  • power the immune system offering protection against infections and diseases.
  • It is the forerunner of glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant in the body as well as having a high detoxifying power.
  • They can help promote fat loss and minimizes recovery times, fatigue and muscle soreness.
  • It acts as a neurotransmitter, enhancing the proper functioning of the brain.
  • It has been designed under the patent Ajinomoto, which ensures excellent quality and purity.
  • glutamine does not need to be digested. When we ingest them, they are transported directly to the muscle tissue where they are required.
  • For this reason, it is a versatile and comfortable supplement to be taken both before and during training, since it does not generate heaviness or upset stomach.
  • Improves intestinal health by enhancing the absorption of nutrients and promoting the anabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which affects the increase in muscle mass
  • Reduces wound healing time and injury recovery
  • They stimulate protein synthesis and prevent catabolism or loss of muscle mass.
  • They help maintain deposits of glycogen since they can be used as fuel and therefore avoid fatigue or postpone it.


Yes, glutamine-based supplements break the fasting state

Despite their format, which is obtained by mixing the powder with water, they have certain calories since they are part of the proteins, a macronutrient that generally provides 4kcal per gram.

To be used inside the cells, they need to have that fast-breaking surge of insulin.


Yes, a glutamine deficiency can occur within the body. The main symptoms are usually the appearance of fatigue and tiredness, loss of muscle mass and various gastrointestinal problems.


Take 3 to 6 grams before training and another dose before bed for greater recovery.

RECOMMENDED USE: Training days: The basic recommended dose is 5 grams (1 scoop = 10 gr) after training. Non-training days: You can rest or continue with the same dose. RECOMMENDED DAILY DOSE: 5 g per day.

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