Life Pro Hepapro 120 Caps

Life Pro Hepapro 120 Caps


Hepapro is a supplement formulated to improve liver function, reduce oxidative stress and deal with liver disorders. Standardized in the active ingredients that have proven their effectiveness.

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What is it for?

The functions of the liver in the body are key in terms of the metabolism of toxins and drugs, digestion, as well as the production and storage of vital substances in the body. The liver disorders, such as cirrhosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can have different causes among them. These causes may have an autoimmune origin, be due to exposure to drugs and toxic substances, a viral origin or be a consequence of the appearance of chronic physical or functional injuries.

Both in the sports and clinical world, the effect of alcohol or other harmful substances are capable of altering the main functions of this organ, thus inducing high degrees of oxidative stress and mechanical and functional deterioration.. In this way, it is common for a blockage in liver function or in the bile ducts (cholestasis) to manifest general malaise, weight loss, burning, jaundice…

Among the active ingredients characterized as Food Complements that can help normalize liver function and fight the hepatotoxicity, we find those that increase the synthesis of antioxidants endogenous or help to control by other pathways the oxidative stress of the organism.

These effects on the synthesis of endogenous antioxidants is what carries out n-acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) on the antioxidant glutathione. When the NAC is consumed, cysteine ​​participates as a limiting factor in the synthesis of glutathione, finally acting on the metabolites that have generated the toxic effect. Due to the conflicting evidence regarding the direct supplementation of glutathione to increase its endogenous reserves, as well as the habitual use of NAC as a hepatic "antidote", this becomes an interesting way to increase our endogenous antioxidant power in situations increased organic stress.

The milk thistle It is a herbaceous plant used in various regions of Asia, Europe and India in a traditional way. Its main effects are due to the content in silymarin, a mixture of active principles among which the silibinin, responsible for its main effects on the body. Silymarin has reported some positive effects on metabolic control, cholesterol and especially on the main liver enzymes that can appear altered in case of injury. It is this effect that could help prevent liver cell deterioration by controlling liver dysfunction and oxidative stress. These effects would appear hand in hand with a reduction in the main symptoms of liver function degeneration.

Finally, the turmeric highly soluble is one of the active ingredients antioxidants more powerful that we currently have. The effects of turmeric on some liver enzymes and oxidative stress have been previously reported in the scientific literature. It is speculated whether turmeric can indirectly increase the activity of the endogenous antioxidant system itself, although histopathological findings (studies on the state of the tissue) have been evaluated in humans to a lesser extent than those referring to the improvement of function. hepatic.

Due to all of the above, Hepapro It is an interesting food supplement for people with high levels of oxidative stress or who use or have been exposed to some toxin.


  • Increased glutathione synthesis.
  • Improves endogenous antioxidant function.
  • Helps in the control of oxidative stress.
  • Improvement on liver function parameters.
  • Useful when exposed to drugs or toxins.
  • Standardized in the active ingredients that have proven their effectiveness.

What dose to consume?

Consume 1 capsule divided and distributed in the way you prefer with meals. Consult a health professional in case of receiving any pharmacological treatment before consuming.


This product is composed of n-acetylcysteine ​​(NAC), milk thistle extract, (standardized in silymarin and silibinin) and turmeric (Cursol ®).

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