Nutrimarket Bio Acai Eco 70g

Nutrimarket Bio Acai Eco 70g


NutriMarket Bio Açai Eco is the best way to introduce açai in your diet. It is a Brazilian fruit with surprising properties: antioxidant, energetic and with an amount of protein greater than one and a half eggs.

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NutriMarket Bio Acai Eco

product range NutriMarket Bio It is perfect to get to know a series of ingredients and foods that we would surely not find them otherwise. The acai It is a great example, since it is a fruit native to Brazil that, although it is true that it is widely used there, is not found in our stores and supermarkets.

Therefore, we invite you to try NutriMarket Bio Acai Eco and the rest of the brand's products. In addition, they have a huge advantage: they all come from ecological agriculture, so its properties are intact and ensure great respect for the environment.

What is it for?

If you are looking for an image of the fruit of the acai, the first thing that catches your attention may be its intense purple color. However, the most surprising thing is found inside, in its featuresnutritious.

NutriMarket Bio Acai Eco it's a very powerful natural antioxidant, perfect for fighting an excess of free radicals that can proliferate more easily in cases of high-performance athletes. Thus, you will avoid the negative consequences derived from oxidative stress and cell aging.

On the other hand, the Acai from NutriMarket Bio has energetic properties, which will help you face your day and your workouts with more vitality.

Regarding performance and sports diets, NutriMarket Bio Acai Eco It is a food that contains more protein than an egg and a half. For this reason, it can be an ideal food supplement for vegan athletes, since its protein content is a great alternative to other foods of animal origin.

Benefits of NutriMarket Bio Acai Eco

  • From organic farming.
  • Effective antioxidant.
  • Provides energy.
  • Rich in protein.
  • Suitable for vegan diets.
  • Contains 16 amino acids.
  • With iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
  • Contains vitamins C, E and B.

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