Vitadulce white chocolate syrup is the perfect complement with which to sweeten our dishes, lunches, dinners and desserts in the most healthy and wholesome for our organism, being these Vitadulce syrups elaborated without sugars and fats besides meeting gluten free yet low in calories, being able to add and enjoy a touch sweet and delicious in our diets and food.
Thanks to Vitadulce syrups we can break the monotony of our diets without having to skip them, having a multitude of different flavors that will satisfy and delight our palate, they are also suitable to be consumed by celiac or diabetic thanks to your absence of gluten and sugars. Vitadulce white chocolate syrup is ideal for those athletes as well as any individual who wants to maintain a healthy diet, lose weight or follow a diet or diet without having to give up the pleasure of tasting food.
Each container of syrup contains 400gr, constituting a contribution for each take of 5kcal, Being highly recommended to be consumed in slimming diets, bodybuilding as well as toning. The optimal ration per dose is 10gr of syrup, being able to enjoy up to 40 servings.
Are they suitable to be consumed by everyone?
Of course, these syrups are free of fats and sugars, being very low in calories, in addition to lacking gluten, which facilitates the possibility of being consumed by anyone, being suitable to be consumed by diabetics and celiacs.
What flavors are available?
We can find up to 6 different flavors, white chocolate, mango, strawberry, chocolate, dulce de leche and caramel.