Life Pro Rhodiola Rosea 600mg 60 Vegancaps

Life Pro Rhodiola Rosea 600mg 60 Vegancaps


product with active ingredient rhodiola rosea from the rhodiozen® patent, perfect for improving sports and cognitive performance.

SKU: 8854 Category:


What is Life Pro Rhodiola Rosea?

Rhodiola rosea is a plant that grows naturally in high latitudes and altitudes, traditionally It is used in Eurasian medicine in regions such as Siberia or Mongolia.

What is it for?

The effects of rhodiola rosea have been evaluated in the scientific literature in fields such as mood, perception of fatigue, concentration, mental fatigue, and focus and performance in sports activities. Rhodiola rosea can be considered an adaptogen, that is, a substance whose active ingredients are capable of helping the overall functioning of the body and improving the feeling of well-being.

In this case, unlike other adaptogens, rhodiola is not a relaxing or sedative compound in itself, but its effects are produced by reducing the perception of stress or anxious states, providing vitality and energy without generating overstimulation or palpitations. Rhodiola rosea has been tested on different scales of perception of quality of life, cortisol and general fatigue, which makes it a good alternative for our daily lives. The effects of rhodiola on mood have also been evaluated, therefore, in addition to improving cognition and fatigue when faced with tasks with a high mental component, its use could be positive in controlling some negative emotions, especially in periods of stress.

Secondly, Life Pro has decided to use the Rhodiozen ® patent as it has been directly studied in humans and is standardized to 3% rosavins, its main active ingredient.. In this matter we also find 1% salidrosides and we have a high degree of rigor in the treatment of origin to guarantee the absence of impurities.

For all this, Life Pro's rhodiola rosea is a great option with a premium quality material within the adaptogen market.


  • Reduction and delay of mental fatigue for highly demanding tasks.
  • energizing effect during the day.
  • Reduction in the perception of stress.
  • Improves athletic and cognitive performance.
  • Positive effect on moodespecially in situations of high stress.
  • Improvement of the labor focus and in moments with high pressure.

What dose to consume?

Consume 2 capsules daily (600 mg), divided into two doses, preferably 1 in the morning and 1 at noon.

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