Amix Nitric 350 Caps

Amix Nitric 350 Caps


Amix Nitric is a sports supplement made from Nitric oxide in combination with different amino acids that contributes to the improvement of sports performance.

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What is Nitric from Amix?

It is formulated with an ideal combination of products that, with the Nitric oxide, It performs vasodilation of the arteries, increasing force by continuously providing the muscles with glucose.

Contains 5 different types of creatine that contribute to increasing reservations ofglycogen and atp.

It is a supplement designed for all those who seek increase your strength using the latest technology available in supplementation. Their combination is unique and exclusive.

The properties of Amix Nitric

  • Thanks to the combination of its ingredients, Increases power and strength considerably.
  • It helps to achieve an improvement in physical recovery and muscle congestion, thus enhancing muscle mass.
  • Promotes congestion and pumping when doing workouts.
  • favors the protein synthesis and improves the assimilation of nutrients in muscle mass.
  • Nitric is also formulated with four types of Creatine.
  • It also has METHOCEL, which causes a prolonged assimilation, which increases the endurance and strength, and promotes recovery.

How to use

Take 5 capsules before exercising to maximize its effects.

Presentation of Amix Nitric: 350-cap container

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