Life Pro Endurance Caffeine Energy Gel 18X60Ml

Life Pro Endurance Caffeine Energy Gel 18X60Ml


Carbohydrates are a necessary energy substrate and a predictor of sports performance, therefore, they are ingested in large quantities in a sports diet. Especially within endurance sports it is important to add them both before, during and after training sessions.

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What is it for?

Due to the high energy demands of these activities in recent years, the role of nutrition during training has been optimized as one of the crucial pillars. Therefore, factors such as the supply of carbohydrates, caffeine or electrolytes have become very important. On the other hand, the intake of intra-training carbohydrates must ensure the needs of the athlete and provide optimal amounts of carbohydrates for each athlete.

At the same time, we must bear in mind that the consumption of carbohydrates during exercise refers to different transporters when they are consumed in large quantities, this means that under average amounts of carbohydrates, the consumption of a source of glucose is sufficient. On the contrary, in those sports where large amounts of carbohydrates are ingested (greater than 45/60 g), the synergy of a source of glucose with fructose in a 2:1 ratio may be an appropriate option with a view to increasing the total amount of carbohydrates during exercise. Therefore, the use of fructose as a carbohydrate in combination with glucose may be a more interesting action than each of them separately.

Thus, these gels have very interesting characteristics, since they represent 20 g of maltodextrin and 10 of fructose for each gel (a total of 30 g of carbohydrates), 200 mg of sodium (main electrolyte lost through sweat) .

On the other hand, within the characteristics to be highlighted in the selection and design of these gels, we have taken into account the most relevant limitations that athletes have:

In the first place, a watery texture has been achieved that facilitates their consumption, they are refreshing, they contain organoleptic properties that stimulate the desire to hydrate and they have a mild flavor that is not excessively sweetened or bitter in order to be able to be consumed continuously in those longer training sessions and competitions. On the other hand, they have a simple and quick opening that avoids distractions and facilitates their consumption.

Due to all of the above, in those sports where the consumption of carbohydrates is required, these maltodextrin and fructose gels become an excellent option.


  • Carbohydrate supply during exercise.
  • Combination of fructose with glucose sources to increase the amount of carbohydrates.
  • Mild taste without excessive bitterness or sweetness.
  • Watery texture for easy consumption.
  • ergonomic opening

What dose to consume?

It is recommended to adjust the dose to the energy and nutritional needs of your day. Despite this, the consumption of 30 to 90 g of carbohydrates during exercise has guaranteed an ergogenic effect in sports of medium and long duration. In this way, if you need 30 g of carbohydrates per hour, you can choose to consume 1 of our gels.


This product is composed of maltodextrin, fructose, sodium and caffeine.

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