Life Pro Protein Bread 250g

Life Pro Protein Bread 250g


Life Pro Protein Bread It is a bread that stands out for being high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, ideal to add as a complement to your daily meals.

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Life Pro Protein Bread It is one of the best alternatives to replace traditional bread with a healthier option adapted to the needs of athletes. You can use it in your breakfasts, snacks, snack meals, etc. alone or accompanied with your favorite foods.

This bread stands out for its high protein content, which makes it the ideal alternative for all those people who are looking for a protein alternative, it exactly has a protein composition of 22% and only 7.5% carbohydrates.

bread is the accessory par excellence in our Mediterranean diet. It is difficult to imagine any meal without a piece of bread next to it, however, the nutritional characteristics of classic bread recipes make it a product quite conflicted in many types of diets.

Life Pro Protein Bread It arrives to put an end to the problem of having to give up bread to meet the demands of your nutritionist. With a very noticeable reduction in carbohydrates, which drop to 7.5%, the impact of this fitness bread on your body will be much lighter.

In addition, it should be noted that it is not only a healthy product, but also Life Pro Protein Bread is a protein bread, specifically designed to provide extra protein to the body of the athlete. It is low in calories. Each slice contains less than 140 kcal.

A) Yes, muscle performance will be enhanced. Specifically, it has a 22% protein in its composition, which makes it one of the breads with the highest percentage of protein that we can find today.

It has been made with two sources of protein, in addition to whole rye flour, wheat bran and different seeds such as sunflower and oatmeal. It is a complete, wholemeal bread with a high fiber content.

It is the healthy and protein alternative to conventional breads. It is recommended for all those who wish to maintain a healthy diet and good eating habits.

Each pack contains 5 slices each approximately 50g.


Protein Bread has been made with two different sources of plant-based protein. Protein is the most important macronutrient for athletes and people who want to take care of their health.

It is responsible for preserving and promoting the gain of muscle mass, as well as repairing tissues after training.

Protein Bread has 22 grams of protein in its composition. It is the ideal food that will help you meet the daily requirements that your body needs.

wheat protein

wheat protein It is an excellent source of plant-based protein that is obtained when the starch is extracted from wheat, after having removed the gluten from the flour. Wheat protein stands out for its good digestibility and its neutral smell and taste that do not modify the taste of protein bread.

Wheat protein stands out for its high content of glutamine. It is the amino acid with the greatest presence within the different muscle groups, and in general, it constitutes approximately 60% of muscle tissue. it favors the replenishment of glycogen stores, contributes to improving performance, reducing fatigue and maintaining muscle mass and is highly relevant when it comes to carrying out glutathione synthesis, it contributes to improving the immune system .

It is a source of choline. The hill It is a precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is involved in a large number of functions within the body. , among which, in memory and muscle control.

In its composition we can highlight the presence of minerals such as iron, zinc and copper, as well as vitamin E.

pea protein

The pea protein It is a source of vegetable protein that is obtained from peas. It has been added to Protein Bread to achieve its high protein content.

This source of this macronutrient has a low in carbohydrates and fats and also does not contain lactose.

It is a slow absorption protein, which contributes to a greater degree of satiety when digested and assimilated in the body. It is considered the casein of plant origin for its texture and digestion.

Pea protein is a fairly pure and quality protein source. Also, it is easy to digest and assimilate within the body.

This protein source stands out because it has an ehigh BCAA content . The bcaas They are branched chain amino acids. Exactly 3: leucine, valine and isoleucine. They intervene and contribute to stimulate protein synthesis directly and favor the gain of muscle mass.

Another characteristic of this protein is that it also has a high content of other essential amino acids, that is, those that the body cannot produce on its own, which are lysine, arginine and phenylalanine.

Unlike other types of vegetable proteins, it has lysine, an essential amino acid precursor of carnitine. Among its main benefits, it contributes to the maintenance and gain of muscle mass.


Yes, Life Pro Protein Bread is a wholemeal bread since it has wholemeal rye flour among its main ingredients.

Its high content of vitamins and minerals stands out.Rye is a great source of iron, phosphorous and magnesium. In relation to vitamins, it is an excellent source of vitamin E, a source of antioxidants of considerable importance for the body, and vitamins of group B as B1, B2, B3 and B6.

Rye flour is an excellent source of fiber, contributes to the improvement of intestinal transit, digestion and combat constipation. It is one of the whole grains with the highest amount of fiber.

In its composition, the presence of the amino acid called lysine stands out. This is not usually present in the composition of most cereals with the exception of rye.

In addition, it has a glycemic index of 46 It is considered a source of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

Does rye flour have gluten?

Yes, rye flour has gluten. Despite this, it is one of the cereals with the lowest gluten content. It has a much lower amount compared to spelled or wheat.


Protein Bread It has two types of flaxseed among its ingredients. Flaxseed comes from flax seed. It provides a large amount of nutrients, from antioxidants, fiber to vitamins and minerals.

Its high amount of fiber It helps improve intestinal transit, prevent constipation and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Flaxseed provides a substance very similar to Prostaglandin. This is responsible for regulating blood pressure and prevents the formation of clots and other heart-related diseases.

Flaxseed is a source of healthy fats. It has a high content of Omega 3. It is an essential fatty acid that cannot be synthesized or produced by the body. Omega 3 fatty acids have a large number of benefits for the heart and Helps lower and regulate cholesterol levels.

The Omega 3 It has an anti-inflammatory effect that improves and helps prevent problems related to ligaments or joints. It can help reduce fatigue and improve strength gains and aerobic performance.

What is the main difference between golden flaxseed and brown flaxseed?

The difference between these two types of flaxseed is its flavor. The flavor of golden flaxseed is stronger and more intense than that of brown flaxseed.


Protein Bread Contains sunflower and sesame seeds.

Sunflower seeds: they are a source of healthy fats, rich in protein and contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which is directly related to serotonin and therefore levels of happiness. It is a source of zinc, biotin, vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant) and folic acid.

Sesmo is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Provides Omega 3. It is an essential fatty acid that cannot be synthesized or produced by the body. Omega 3 fatty acids have a large number of benefits for the heart and Helps lower and regulate cholesterol levels. It also contains iron, calcium and zinc.


  • Protein Bread is a protein bread that will allow you to continue enjoying bread without breaking your diet.
  • Reduce the presence of carbohydrates up to a low percentage of 7.5%. Despite this, the carbohydrates it contains are of quality and come from whole rye flour. They are low on the glycemic index.
  • Rye flour has a high amount of fiber and vitamins and minerals.
  • Protein Bread is a bread rich in proteins. It contains 22% of this macronutrient. Each 50-gram slice provides 11 grams of protein.
  • It has been made using two protein sources: pea protein and wheat protein.
  • The pea protein it is slow digesting which results in a greater contribution of satiety.
  • Protein is responsible for promoting protein synthesis, helping to build and maintain damaged muscle mass after training.
  • It is a bread that provides a great amount of satiety due to its protein content, healthy fats and different sources of fiber.
  • It provides Omega 3 thanks to the brown and golden flaxseed in its dough.
  • It also contains sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. Two rich sources of healthy fatty acids.
  • It is an ideal complement for sports nutrition diets as it allows you to get closer to your goals and continue enjoying your favorite foods.
  • It is a low calorie bread. Each 50 gram slice contains only 134 calories.


Protein Bread, unlike traditional breads, stands out because its protein content is much higher.

It has been made with two sources of protein, in addition to whole rye flour, wheat bran and different seeds such as sunflower and oatmeal. It is a complete, wholemeal bread with a high fiber content.

It has a complete list of ingredients, full of vitamins and minerals, as well as different healthy fatty acids that contribute to a better diet and health.

All ingredients used in Life Pro Protein Bread have been rigorously selected. They are of high quality and maintain all the natural properties.


Yes, Protein Bread is suitable for vegetarians and vegans because all the ingredients used are of plant origin.


Life Pro Protein Bread It is recommended for all those people who want a high protein alternative to conventional bread.

It is ideal for people who want decrease fat percentage or lose weight due to the great contribution of fiber and satiety. In addition, it is an ideal alternative as it has a very low carbohydrate content.

It is recommended for people who, in turn, want gain muscle mass due to the high protein content.


you can enjoy Protein Bread at any moment of the day. It is ideal to accompany your breakfasts, snacks, snacks or main meals of the day.

You can combine it with your favorite sweet and salty foods. Use Protein Bread for your toasts, accompaniment, sandwiches or as you prefer.

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