Amix Tyrosine 120caps

Amix Tyrosine 120caps


Tyrosine by Amix is a sports supplement that provides Tyrosine, a percussor of different hormones and neurotransmitters involved in fat loss that favors its elimination naturally.

SKU: 334 Category:


What is Tyrosine from Amix?

It is a supplement with multiple beneficial properties for the body, helping us in a healthy and natural way to achieve our goals of achieving an adequate physical and mental state in a healthy way.

Tyrosine plays a particularly relevant role as a precursor to different hormones and neurotransmitters necessary for fat burning. Naturally favors the reduction of adipose tissue or body fat.

The properties and benefits of L Tyrosine

  • It is a precursor to the hormones dopamine and adrenaline. Promotes good humor and optimism.
  • Reduces tiredness and mental fatigue.
  • Improves performance when performing physical exercise.
  • Promotes the proper functioning of the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands.
  • Promotes a good mood and optimism.
  • Promotes fat loss.
  • Participates in the metabolism of methionine.

How to use

Take between 1 and 2 capsules before physical exercise or when we are tired during the day.

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