226ers Energy Gel Bio 40g No Caffeine

226ers Energy Gel Bio 40g No Caffeine


226ers Energy Gel Bio 40g No Caffeine It is a gel designed for athletes, to be taken before and during long-term, high-intensity training.

SKU: 7654 Category:


The gels are designed to meet the energy demands of sports practice by providing a sustained energy release.

22ers is a company that is certified by the Organic Agriculture Committee of the Valencian Community.

In its composition we include minerals, mainly Sodium. This is eliminated through sweat. A marked decrease in it can cause muscle cramps, weakness and, in extreme cases, hyponatremia. Its presence in the body increases the rate of water absorption, delays fatigue and decreases urine output, increasing fluid levels.

They also contribute Potassium. This is lost with each muscle contraction. Potassium is important for the transmission of nerve impulses.

Each gel contains 40 grams.

organic ingredients

The fruits, and the complex and simple carbohydrate syrups used come from organic farming, as well as the aromas used, thus achieving better flavor and better assimilation by eliminating chemical substances that hinder the different metabolic processes.

Does not contain caffeine. It is a gel without stimulants.

What are the benefits of 226ers Bio Energy Gel 40g No Caffeine?

  • Preserves glycogen stores. Helps combat and postpone the feeling of fatigue.
  • Mobilizes fatty acids.
  • During aerobic work, it delays exhaustion time.
  • Causes an increase in muscle contraction force.
  • Ease of transportation: You can take it with you to any workout and it's easy and convenient to use.
  • Provides the maximum energy available and highly concentrated.

How to take 226ers Bio Energy Gel 40g No Caffeine?

Take 1 gel every 20'- 60' minutes accompanied by water.

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