Amix Inosin

Amix Inosin


AMIX INOSINE 100 caps. It is a supplement for athletes with a high energy expenditure. with inosine, precursor of ATP.

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What is Amix Inosine 100 caps?

AMIX INOSINE 100 caps. It is a supplement for athletes with a high energy expenditure. with inosine, precursor of ATP. Inosine is a nucleotide ATP precursor.

Benefits of Amix Inosine 100 caps

  • The main function of Inosine in the body is to supply energy to the muscle.
  • It produces immediate energy in the form of ATP for muscle contraction, even in oxygen deficient conditions.
  • The Inosine stimulates protein metabolism and increases the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.
  • Which produces greater oxygenation and muscle recovery.
  • Inosine is very useful for strength and endurance sports, and is also highly recommended for speed sports since it is an immediate source of energy.
  • Increases the use of oxygen in the blood through its effects on the metabolism of erythrocytes producing adenosine triphosphate or what is the same (ATP).

How to use

Take 1 to 2 capsules distributed between the main meals.

Presentation of AMIX INOSINE 100: INOSINE is presented in bottles of 100 capsules

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