Amix Iso Gel Recovery 70ml

Amix Iso Gel Recovery 70ml


AMIX ISOGEL RECOVERY 70 ML. is an energy and recovery gel based on high quality patented carbohydrates enriched with recovery components.

SKU: 752 Category:



AMIX ISOGEL RECOVERY 70 ML It is a gel that will help you recharge and recover faster during your physical exercises.

components of AMIX ISO-GEL RECOVERY:

  • AMIX ISOGEL RECOVERY contains vitargo a patented carbohydrate with a much larger molecular structure than other carbohydrates, for this reason it passes faster through the stomach, joining the blood after intestinal transit, its consumption increases muscle strength facilitating a high rate of training without falls .
  • It also contains maltodextrin a hydrate also with a low glycemic index but with faster absorption and release which provides us with energy instantly.
  • Contains fructose a carbohydrate with many advantages for practicing sports.
  • AMIX ISOGEL RECOVERY contains glutamine, an amino acid of vital importance in the recovery of muscle fibers after intense training.
  • It also contains branched chain amino acids, among its functions are those of participating in the metabolism of many organs, it acts as an energy support for muscle fibers during muscle contraction.
  • It also contains citrulline a compound that delays the feeling of fatigue by recharging ATP levels.
  • It also contains arginine It has a vasodilator effect, increasing blood flow and improving blood oxygenation, which allows us to perform longer workouts.
  • Contains Beta-alanine, a component that participates in muscle regeneration.
  • AMIX ISOGEL RECOVERY It also contains a special compound of minerals which prevents the fearsome muscle cramps suffered by athletes who practice sports with high physical wear.


  • Accelerates regeneration after long-term physical exercise.
  • Prevents muscle fatigue and damage to muscle tissues.
  • Contains Vitargo.
  • Helps prevent cramps.
  • Helps in the recycling processes of lactic acid.

How to use

Take a gel during or after activity for immediate energy

Presentation of Amix Iso-gel Recovery: 70ml container

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