Amix Musclecore Cfm Nitro Whey With Actinos 2 Kg.

Amix Musclecore Cfm Nitro Whey With Actinos 2 Kg.


Amix Musclecore CFM Nitro Isolate with Actinos: is the highest quality and purity of protein supplement composed of premium Glanbia CFM whey protein isolate and the patent-pending nitric oxide synthase to activate ActiNOS peptide

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What is Amix Musclecore CFM Nitro Isolate with Actinos?

CFM® Nitro Isolate Protein is the highest quality and purity of the protein supplement composed of premium Glanbia CFM ® whey protein isolate and the patent pending nitric oxide synthase to activate ActiNOS ™ peptides.

What is Amix Musclecore CFM Nitro Isolate with Actinos for?

This unique complex ensures the highest biological value and offers the full range of amino acids with the highest concentration of BCAAs and other essential amino acids. CFM ® Nitro Protein Isolate is much more absorbable for the body, thanks to the inclusion of Aminogen, a very special mixture of protease bacteria and the intestinal microflora Lactospore.
CFM ® Nitro Isolate Protein is virtually fat and lactose free and is sweetened with stevia and sucralose and aspartame.

Benefits of Amix Musclecore CFM Nitro Isolate with Actinos

Protein Contributes to the growth of muscle mass

Protein Contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass exceptionally high protein content ( 90 % )

Contains Aminogen ® and Lactospore ® Instantized form, sweetened with sucralose and stevia extract virtually lactose free

How to use

Mix 1 tablespoon (35g = 1 heaping tablespoon) of CFM ® Nitro with 200 ml of cold water or low-fat milk. Use a mixer or hand shaker and mix for 30 seconds. They have 2-3 servings a day between meals, depending on the daily need for protein.

Presentation of Amix Musclecore CFM Nitro Isolate with Actinos: 2kg container

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