Life Pro Bcaa Pro Ajinomoto 2-1-1 300g

Life Pro Bcaa Pro Ajinomoto 2-1-1 300g


Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1 is a supplement that provides you with branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), a compound that makes up a third of the composition of muscle. Ideal to protect muscle tissues and improve their performance.

SKU: 7315 Category:


Composition of Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1

This product is composed of leucine, valine, isoleucine, dextrose, citric acid, salt, sucralose and soy lecithin.

What is it for?

Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1 It is a supplement that provides one of the most important substances for everything related to the muscular performance of the athlete. To understand why these amino acids are so vital, it is enough to mention that BCAAs make up a third of the total composition of muscles.

The main benefit achieved with an extra supply of BCAA's has to do with the protection of muscle tissues. When a high-intensity physical activity is carried out, it is possible that the body turns to the muscles to obtain energy from them, eliminating part of their tissues in a process called catabolism. Thanks to the action of Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1 I know increases protein synthesis, thus compensating for catabolic degradation and keeping your muscle volume intact. In the same way, if said degradation is less than protein synthesis, a lean mass increase.

Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1 It can also be used as fuel for muscle cells, keeping glycogen stores in good condition and thus delaying the onset of fatigue and exhaustion. In fact, it is much simpler to say that BCAA's improve physical performance in general, since its presence is vital for all kinds of muscular efforts.

Also, Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1 optimizes the effectiveness of recovery periods, increasing the ability to repair and regenerate muscle fibers and reducing the discomfort that can arise from a highly demanding workout.

Benefits of Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1

  • Improves protein synthesis.
  • Protects muscles against catabolism.
  • Helps conserve glycogen, delaying fatigue.
  • Improves muscle performance in general.
  • Optimize recovery.
  • Reduces discomfort after intense training.

How is Life Pro BCAA Pro 2:1:1 taken?

Make 2 shots of 7.5 g. each. The first after training and the second before going to bed.

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