Life Pro Endurance Salts 120 Caps

Life Pro Endurance Salts 120 Caps


Life Pro Salts It is a supplement based on mineral salts, which contributes to its replenishment during the most demanding workouts. Promotes recovery and is effective against cramp prevention.

SKU: 8799 Category:



This product contains sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium and magnesium as components.

What is it for?

When we perform physical exercise, the body generates a large amount of heat, which must be dissipated. Therefore, it uses sweat and its evaporation as a means to maintain temperature. Through sweat, we not only lose water, but also electrolytes. This causes alterations in the athlete's physiology and metabolism.

These electrolytes must be replenished for the proper functioning of the body, and, within it, of our cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular systems, which will be decisive in our performance training or competing. We must bear in mind that the implications of these electrolytes will not only be important in health, but also in the optimization of athletes' systems in competitions and training. Let's briefly see the implications of each of the salts included in this product:

Sodium (Na): This is the most important mineral that we must replenish when we practice physical exercise, which is the main cation of the extracellular fluid. Sodium is essential for maintaining homeostasis of body fluids, which is key for a correct production of force (for example, in our training and in competition) through our neuromuscular system. In addition, low levels of sodium in the blood will cause symptoms such as mental confusion, loss of consciousness and even death.

Among other things, we cannot forget that correct sodium levels will allow us to better absorb glucose, which is key to optimizing performance in different sports disciplines.

Potassium (K): Potassium is not only key in order to maintain the acid-base balance, but also to have a correct neuromuscular functioning, and, therefore, that the contractions of our muscles can occur effectively and our muscles generate tension and force. corresponding in our training and competitions. Also, potassium deficiency could not only impair our neuromuscular activity but also cause vomiting, diarrhea and even heart problems.

Chlorine (Cl): Chlorine is essential for the regulation of our body fluids and electrical potential of cell membranes. This has key implications for the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system. In addition, it has important implications at the digestive level.

Calcium (Ca): Many of you may be thinking that it is very important for our bones, but it is also essential for energy metabolism, for blood coagulation and has key implications for neuromuscular function, being of vital importance for the correct functioning of contraction of our muscles, and, therefore, of their production of tension and force (which will determine our performance running, jumping, lifting…).

Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium, in addition to being key in our bones, muscle tissue and extracellular fluid, plays vital roles in DNA transcription, energy metabolism, muscle contraction, protein synthesis, oxygen supply, etc. As you can see, the importance of having good levels of magnesium is enormous. At a sports level, its deficit has even been related to the appearance of muscle cramps, which is still being investigated. There is no doubt that it is essential for the proper functioning of our body, ranging from the regulation of glucose at the brain level, to the optimization of cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular functions.


  • Provision of optimal levels of electrolytes for proper cardiorespiratory and metabolic function.
  • Improvement of the bone health of the athlete.
  • Improved recovery after exercise and possible effect on cramps.
  • Recovery and prevention of the deterioration of the functioning of our organism caused by the loss of electrolytes.
  • Optimizes the function of the neuromuscular system, thus allowing the correct production of muscle contraction.

What dose to consume?

The correct dosage is 2 capsules. Depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise, it can be increased to adapt it to the athlete's requirements.

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